What is Curriculum?
Curriculum is all the planned learning offered and enacted by a school. It is dynamic and encompasses:
- The learning environment
- Resources
- Teaching approaches and strategies
- Assessment programs and methods
These are all interconnected and provide the experiences that contribute to student learning. Students at Caboolture Special School engage in the Australian Curriculum, currently Version 9.
Our curriculum overview
A range of specialist programs, pedagogies and strategies are used to support each student's learning journey. Literacy and numeracy learning experiences figure prominently in our curriculum offerings.
Policies guiding our curriculum
At Caboolture Special School we:-
- Maximise learning opportunities and successful academic outcomes for all students
- Monitor and assess individual student achievement through internal and external moderation processes to support teachers in making consistent judgements
- Regularly report relevant information to parents and carers on student achievement and learning through:
- a collaborative meeting to implement the Individual Curriculum Plan (ICP) process in Terms 1 and 3
- a formal report to parents and carers in Terms 2 and 4.
Our approaches are informed by and satisfy the Department of Education's P-12 curriculum framework.